Quali sono le tradizioni del vostro Paese?

Quali festività e riti?

Quali vestiti e piatti tipici?

37 commenti:

  1. Ciao a tutti! siamo la classe 2T dell'istituto tecnico Agostino Bassi di Lodi. Siamo molto contenti di collaborare con questo blog. Ci piacerebbe conoscervi.

    1. Ciao a tutti, sono Diaby Cheikhou del Senegal e qui in Italia ormai da un anno e 3 mesi anche io o naturalemente noi siamo più che contenti di collaborare con voi e sara un grande piacere anche per noi di fare la vostra conoscenza.
      La bellissima foto che vedete quassù parla tutto della mia amata patria e come se sto vivendo ancora uno dei momenti indimenticabile...Evviva!!!Evvviva!!!
      Un grande abbraccio a tutti i collaboratori...#bbchkhu

    2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

    3. Ciao Cheikhou, sono felice che apprezzi la foto e che ti abbia donato qualche momento di gioia!Raccontaci qualcosa delle vostre tradizioni!

    4. hello abassi i am so happy to be here in the blog my name is lamin

    5. known problem we love to meet you too

  2. Hello! We are 2^A class of Agostino Bassi high school. Which are the most popular festivals and traditions in your country? Which are your favourite Italian dishes and which are the most typical of your country? We have just spent three days of holiday for Carnival. We like Carnival sweets so much: frittelle and chiacchere, but in Italy we have good dishes like pizza, pasta, risotto, lasagne, cotolette, cannelloni and tiramisù. Next time we will talk about the typical dishes of Lodi.

    1. but in Gambia i eat domoda is very nice one day i will cook domoda from you if you like....

    2. the most dishes i like is pizza pasta.thier is one festival i love very much in my county is valetines day which male and female,lovers put on red clothe complet which we represent showing love to your love ones your fiance,it called valetines day every 14 of febbuary every year lovers day

  3. hello abassi i like pasta a lot an pizza

  4. my name is karim i love pasta potatoes,in ghana we eat fufu tized cassava yam

  5. the mein staple dish in the Gambia is rice with a choice of stew made with either fish chicken beef lamb or goat usually cooked with vegetables spices and somtime peanut butter

  6. i like that lamin it called rice and stew

  7. hello guyz my name is lamin cassama i live in olmo i have 7 months in italy and i like to meet new friends in the blog and in lodi here.i love to listed to italian music.........

  8. hello friends how are you did you celebrate your valentine day, hope you enjoy yourself,celebrating valentine,valentine day is the most festa in african you show love to your love ones not only your fiances or your dating friend known, show love to your naigbor araound you thanks you have a nices day

    1. Altought valentine day has passed we celebrate it with partners staying together, giving flowers and chocolates.

  9. the large hunting is basically the same thing but on a lager scale which includes real animal heads. there are groups that come to the sreets of banjul every year to battle for who has the best heads & costumes. there was the odilleh & okum baba societies.............

  10. ciao tutti sono Barro Ousseynou dal senegal, veramente non ho parole per questa bellissima foto che vedete a quasi detto tutto come ha detto il mio fratello Diaby. Ogni tanto che guardo questa foto mi sembra forze se sto vivendo ancora nel mio paese.Allora parliamo anche un pò nella cucina senegalese.La cucina del mio paese e varia,riso,pesce,verdure.Il piatto principale della cucina senegalese e il cheb-ou-jen,in italiano si dice riso con pesce. Molto sentita in senegal è l'ospitalità che si rifflette nel modo di cucinare e di offrire i piatti.E poi parliamo anche la cultura e la tradizione del senegal la base di tutta la musica senegalese è trasizionale e culturale tante occasioni sono pretesti per ballare e suonare: battesimi,matrimoni,feste per il raccolto e avvenimenti sportivi. I bambini più piccoli si siedono a cerchio di fronte a loro vicino i gruppi perccuzionisti e dietro ci sono anche le donne e le bambini ballano e tengono il tempo battendo le mani.

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  12. In Nigeria every year there is one partcular month which they always perform dating, marriage and one love: it is called Valentines Day. Valentine day is a particular day which youth girls and boys, men and women put on one particular cloth, red colour. It is a day in which you show your wife and childrenlove. It doesn't mean you don't show them love ever since you are together but that day is the day of love. That is also show as fester in my country, Nigeria. Nigeria is a better place but war in some parts of it most especially where i come from, north south south,

    In Nigeria if you find love you find a good thing. If you as man want to marry you go with your family. When your father is not there, your father's brother must be present. In the woman father you want to marry house with your family then if the girl is benin by tribe, you must paid the sum amount of money like 50 cent euro which is 25 nigeria in Nigerian money to the father of your wife. so after that they give you rule and regulation like: 1) take care of her; 2) give her what she deserves; 3) happy family as one.
    Then the man must dress with bide on his neck, king stick, with head cap. The woman must also dress with bide on her neck too. with traditional musician, ceremony and eating a lot of food of your choice. That is traditional marriage in Nigeria!

    In Nigeria most especially the traditional men when it has been given King in a community. It is celebrated every december 21-22, at Christmas time. They first of all do what they called Igue Festival which is organised by the traditional men in Nigeria,in Nigeria, most expecially if you are the first son of your family. You have every right to perform Igue Festival. Igue festival is the first perform of Omomoba Ne Edo of Benin every year.

  15. my favourite dish in Ghana is fufu. It is often made with cassava flour, it served alongside soup and chicken or cow . The ground soup is a national dish of Ghana.

  16. my favorite dish is yam and oil and banger soup with starch

  17. Ciao, siamo la classe 3B servizi socio sanitari dell' Einaudi di Lodi: volevamo sapere se ci sono orari dei pasti diversi in Italia rispetto al vostro paese e maniere diverse di consumarli.
    Vi siete adeguati?

  18. Hi guys, today we celebrate the woman's day. Women are given a special flower "mimosa". At school each class has been entitled to a well-known woman (scientist, doctors, etc. who were awarded the nobel prize). And we have been given the possibility to watch a documentary about women.

  19. woman you are very important in the world,if not woman how we you come into this world,yes it not your power as a woman it the graces of god almighty we most respect woman and also given more award

    1. woman are very important in our life cuz they are out mums so we have to respect women cuz i love my mom alot

  20. am a proud african and love all my cultural aspects being Drumming,Dancing and Singing.i love doing all these bacause thats what we the africans are made of and when am doing it too i do it to the satisfaction of the observers.thanks.

  21. Ciao a tutti,
    siamo gli allievi della classe 3Aat dell'Einaudi, sede Cazzulani di Lodi ed oggi, poichè il nostro indirizzo è quello relativo all'accoglienza turistica, vorremmo proporre un piatto tipico lodigiano: la cassoeûla. Questa pietanza prevede come ingredienti la salsiccia, le costine, il pollo, la verza, le patate, le carote e il sedano che vanno bolliti e che formano una sorta di zuppa da gustare bollente. Qualcuno di voi l'ha mai assaggiata? A noi piace molto e si prepara soprattutto in inverno perchè è un piatto sostanzioso e caldo che ci aiuta ad affrontare il nostro inverno freddo. Chi di voi ci presenta un piatto tipico della propria terra natia e ce ne espone le particolarità?
    Un saluto dalla 3^Aat Einaudi Cazzulani

  22. Hi guys, we are class 2°A from Bassi Institute. We haven't been in contact with you for a while because we have been on holiday for Easter. We celebrate the holy week of the death and resurrection of Christ. The forty days before Easter are called Lent and are a period of fastening. On Easter day we celebrate with chocolate eggs (which contain a surprise), Easter lamb and cakes.

  23. In my region which is the west side of Ghana there is the festival called KUNDUM which is celebrated every year where they mount the chiefs in a pallanquin,play drums,exhibits all kinds of various dances,cook and share all kinds of foods and alot which i will add in another time.

    The most important one is the Independent Day which is the 6th march in every year.
    Secondly is the farmers Day which is done to reward all the various government workers.
    We also have the MAYDAY which is 1st MAY in every year which is the birthday of our first president DR KWAME NKRUMAH.
    There are alot but i think these are the ones needed for now.

    The most important one is the Independent Day which is the 6th march in every year.
    Secondly is the farmers Day which is done to reward all the various government workers.
    We also have the MAYDAY which is 1st MAY in every year which is the birthday of our first president DR KWAME NKRUMAH.
    There are alot but i think these are the ones needed for now.

  26. Ciao, io vengo dall'Egitto , non so l'inglese e parlo poco italiano (sto imparando!). Mi piace molto il riso

  27. in my region which is the arrca side of ghana there is the festivai called HOMOHO which is clebrated every year where they mount the chiefs let every city kill animals come we exchange after that we figth and we play drums dance


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